Stearns Homestead



The Stearns Post

Issue 1 Written by Genevieve May 12, 2023 Hello and welcome to the first installment of The Stearns Post. This is a newly created project that will feature an animal each post, and will include any recent updates about the farm. The first featured animal is… Pete the African Pygmy Goat. Pete is one of […]

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What Is an Omnivore? Herbivore? Carnivore?

Omnivore: An omnivore is an animal that can eat all types of foods (like raccoons). They can eat plants and meat. You can remember what an omnivore is by thinking of the ‘O’ as a big circle mouth ready to eat anything that comes near it! Herbivore: Some animals are herbivores (like horses), and a herbivore only […]

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Egg 101: All You Need To Know About Eggs

The color of the egg shell can range from white to brown to olive green. The difference lies in the breed of the hen. And funnily enough, you can determine what color a hen’s eggs will be by the color of her earlobe (where exactly a hen’s earlobe is beats me). Nutritional content is the same, […]

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Stearns Homestead