Stearns Homestead


We encourage our farm friends to join the Parma Area Historical Society and lend their support to maintain and care for the farm animals and the buildings located at Stearns Homestead.

And get involved! Your time, expertise and energy is always needed for our continued success as a family-friendly environment for all to enjoy.

Membership Application

The Parma Area Historical Society is governed by a seven person board of directors, elected for a three-year term at the annual meeting of the members, held in April each year.

The current board of directors are as follows:

Renee Schapel, President & Volunteer Coordinator

Alyssa Bower, Vice President & 4-H Head Advisor

Lisa Schumann, Board Secretary

Anita Cook, Board Treasurer

Patricia Nickols, Trustee & Museum Curator

Dana Valensky, Trustee & Garden Market Manager

Crystal Akin, Trustee & Events Coordinator

Committee Positions include:

Animal Sponsorship Program –

Buildings & Farm Equipment Mgr (s) – Chris Kline & Andy Kochera

Cabin Rental Manager –

Country Store Manager(s) – Melissa Marflak & Laura Kline

Group Field Trip Coordinator –

Membership Coordinator –

Museum Assistant (s) –

Webpage Assistant – Stephanie Nickols

Let us know your interests and we can get you involved!

Stearns Homestead