We are located at 6975 Ridge Road, Parma. Click on maps and directions and insert your address in the top address line
PAHS/Stearns Homestead mailing address is: PO Box 29002, Parma OH 44129
Open Saturdays starting in May through October from 11:00 am – 2:00 pm. Season may extend into November depending on weather. Free Admission on Saturdays. Group tours weekdays only with advance reservation.
Our farm animals look forward to you visiting soon.
We have a large parking area to the south of the homestead and a very limited area in front of the white garage on the main drive that is reserved for handicap parking only. Drop off for those with difficulty walking is allowed. Please NO PARKING in front of the red barn.
The homestead Country Store sells beverages, old fashioned candy and ice cream along with handmade items including quilts, gifts, homestead t-shirts and other interesting items.
At special events each month, hot dogs, burgers, bakery and other food items are usually available for sale.
In addition, there are lots of family friendly restaurants nearby!
Photos may be taken of the animals. We encourage you to post your photos on our facebook page: StearnsHomestead
The city provides portable outhouses that are cleaned weekly by the company that supplies them.